McMyler Dumper at Port Reading New Jersey

These are pictures taken by myself and other members of the Garden State Central Model Railroad Club on our annual New Years Day trip. It was Jan. 1, 1997. The 'pig' was a steel arm that sat in a hole between the tracks on the approach ramp to the dumper. When loaded hopper was placed in position at the bottom of the ramp, the 'pig' would be pulled out of its hole by cable and push the loaded hopper up the ramp and on to the dumper's main lifting carriage.

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This is a good detail shot. You can see how the front of the pig is shaped to push the coupler.
Looking down the ramp you can see the flat area that the hoppers were spotted on. The pig would then be pulled out of its place and push the hopper up the ramp.
A good shot of the cable used to pull the pig.
A very cold me standing next to the pig.

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