McMyler Dumper at Port Reading New Jersey

These are pictures taken by myself and other members of the Garden State Central Model Railroad Club on our annual New Years Day trip. It was Jan. 1, 1997. These are shots taken while standing on the lift carriage, This is where the hoppers were placed to be lifted. In order to really understand how this machine lifted these very heavy cars and dumped them into the receiving pan, this is the place you must examine closely.

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A shot of the main control room.
An even better shot of the main control room.
The counter weights that held the car in place. This was done by a series of chains and cables.
The floor of the lifting carriage.
The chains and holding levers that came down on the top of the hoppers as they started to turn towards the pan for dumping.
A shot of the small platform next to the lifting carriage.
One of the pulleys and cables that lifted the carriage with the hopper on it.
This shot is of the dumping pan and its own control room. When the dumper was operating, this assembly would be pointing down towards the barge to be loaded.
Me standing next to the platform. The lifting carriage is to the left outside of this shot.
As the carriage rose with the hopper on board, a large rubber covered wheel (that looked like a tire to me) would turn against the front of the tower.
A shot of the base of the carriage.

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